Sunday, January 6, 2013

Winter Work is BORING

    The winter off season is about halfway over. YAY!!!  Then shows get back underway. I'm looking at now is a local schooling combined training show for Rhyme, just to get him out and about. Super Kid might have to wait until I get out of school for the year(then Senior Year!!). Or until early may for Penny Oaks horse trials.
    So as soon as the ground is unfrozen we are starting back up on conditioning. Last year Super Kid was in her best physical shape I have gotten her in. At Leg Up we only had a few time penalties but we had refusals( first jumpitis, me being dumb about ditches).
    The state has made the land around where I live a park, but there is a certain hill down the road from me that is PERFECT for hill trot sets. It is literally RIGHT down the road from me, how could I ignore it?!

    This is our video from Leg Up 2012, now that I look at it I have NO IDEA how we got a 33.3, we didn't go into our corners, she was glaceing against me the whole time,  generally being a complete turd. I'm just going to say that they where won over by her cuteness and Lipizzanness( she is part Lippy, her dad is part Holstiner Lipizzan) So this year we have to work on our dressage at competitions, listening to our rider, not being a turd 



  1. Where do you live? I might go to Penny Oaks!

    1. I live in Greencastle,IN. It's about a hour and a half away from Edinburg. I might also go to IEA

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