Monday, November 26, 2012

the little pony that thinks she's a warmblood.

Super Kid being awesome as always
    This would be Super Kid. She is a registered American Sport Pony and is 12 years old. I got her three years ago and we haven't stopped since then.
     We got her because our TB Arrow made it perfectly known that eventing was not his favorite thing, and would come up lame randomly. My aunt at that time brought her welsh cob gelding Mary's Brenin down and i competed with him for a few years. He was about 22 or 23 when I got him. Then he started getting to old to compete like he used to and wouldn't feel up to jumping anymore. Sooo I was out a pony ):
    My mom at that time had a horse named Blitzen and she new that his mom was smallish eventer who was a freak of nature almost. Blitzen was a 1/2 welsh cob and the other was Lippizan, Holstiner Warmblood, Welsh Cob cross.  He was a amazing dressage horse and smart as all get out. When she found out that Super Kid, Blitzen's mom was for sale she jumped on it.
    Super Kid had four babies by the time she was 5 and wasn't properly trained until she was atleast six, and had a bolting problem. We went to go see her and she was overweight and couldn't bend to one side  I rode her and loved her. We took her on a week trial, at the same time I drug Arrow to a eventing camp. My mom surprised me by buying her when I was away.
   After that she stayed out on a complete dry lot and got a little handful of Safe Choice feed just to keep her happy. She slimmed down really quickly after that. After that first year we where on fire, having Lippizan in her gave her the awesome edge on dressage and at one of our shows we have gotten in the low 30's but we have first jumpitis and refusals due to me choking up and stuff.
   This is where Simon comes in. Simon is a magician I swear. After he yelled at me to " get the bloody hell over the ditch" we where good. He is amazing I would do anything to be able to be a working student for him. He gets us looking awesome and I love it

4ft oxer 

It's cold, I hate I.N weather.

    Since we are cursed with weather that is crazy, it makes working ponies difficult. Yesterday it was cold enought for the ground and water tanks to freeze. I HATE freezing water tanks  They are annoying, but good tank heaters that have the nice covering to keep the wires covered are expensive. Yes, we have a water heater, its a old on that stays on all the time. Not super nice, and some of the horses don't like it.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Just Because

I am doing this because I saw this on someone else's blog and I have nothing to do

Splurge or save: 

1) saddle: Wintec,because that it the only saddle I own right now.
2) board: none I have all my ponies at my house
3) halter: Super Kid has a leather show halter,and her regular halter is nylon. But I don't keep them on the horses out in the field. both  
4) bit: splurge because a bad bit can hurt their mouths 
5) bridle: save,
6) saddle pad: depends
7) trailer: splurge

First thing that comes to mind: 

1) Haflinger: pretty,
2) Quarter Horse: lazy and have big butts
3) Thoroughbred: awesome,nice horses,vary athletic one of my favorites 
4) Warmblood: another of my favorites, super athletic, 
5) Welsh Cob: and another of my favorites, almost every pony I have ever rode thats mine has been a cob or part.

This or That:

1) English or western: English
2) tall or short: tall
3) trail ride or beach ride: trail ride, but I want to take my horse and go on a beach ride 
4) long mane or short mane: short 
5) hunters or jumpers: JUMPERS!!
6) XC or barrel racing: XC all the way!!!! 
7) outdoor arena or indoor arena: outdoor
8) trot or canter: both
9) canter or gallop: both 
10) paddock boots, tall boots, or cowboy boots: tall boots
11) horse shoes or barefoot: barefoot
12) saddle or bareback: both
About you: 
1) How long have you been riding? Since I was four
2) Do you own or lease a horse? Own 
3) Breed? Age? Height? Name? (if you don’t own or lease, you could talk about your lesson horse) Super Kid- 12, 15.h WelshCob\Warmblood\Lippizan;                Blitzen- 15.2h ,7 WelshCob\WelshCob\Warmblood\Lippizan
ArrowTB,16.3h,8; Rhyme15.3h,4 DutchWB\WelshCob, Bop 3,15.H, Irmi 4, 14.2- Lippizzan

4) Do you have any other pets? 3 cats, Princess Pretty Kitty,Chives, and Alison and a dog, Riddle 
5) If your horse was a person, what kind of voice would they have (you can use a celebrity for an example) Super Kid, would sound like Jenna Marbles, I swear, Rhyme would be like a excited little kid 
6) Does your horse have a “color”? If so, what is it, and what do you have in that color?  Black and Electric Blue, or Royal Blue 
7) Does your horse do any tricks?  Arrow can bow
8) Have you ever dressed your horse up for Halloween? No
1) Breed? Warmblood crosses, but any if they are good at what they do
2) Discipline? Eventing
3) Coat color? All,
4) Famous horse? Coragous Comet,Hickstead, Big Ben, almost every famous eventer, 
5) Horse race/competition?Eventing 
6) Brand of tack? HDR,
7) Thing to do with your horse? Eventing

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Annie, the best first pony ever

I am extremely lucky to have a parent who understands and shares my love for furry long-legged creatures called ponies. Well I call every horse a pony, just do. My mom is the one who got me my first pony, and carted me to ridding lessons,and still does. I recently had to say goodbye to my first pony due to old age.
    Her name was Annie and we went to Ohio to get her when I was three. She belonged to a family with five girls and they all learned to ride on her. She was a bay with black mane and tail that was so poofy it about stood up by itself. I did EVERYTHING with her, baby dressage, jumping, playing imaginary games that every little kid plays, showed her in 4-H. I rode her until I was in third grade and too big. She taught me how to fall off without it hurting severally bad, to hold on, to keep your heels down and look up when jumping( learned that one the hard way). She was in her mid-to-late 20's when we got her. so by that time she was probably 30. I leased her to my friend and her and her little brother rode her, then I leased her to my old riding instructor for her little girl and later her little boy. She can home after that, I was probably about 14, she had a little vacation with occasional little kids ridding her.
    She eventually went to TEEM to be a lesson pony for my old instructor and she was there for about four years. About the third year she was starting to not eat well, lose her hearing and eyesight. In September we brought her home and she stayed for about three weeks then we put her down. She was probably 35 or older by then and lost all her teeth and couldn't hear or see unless you where really close to her.

    I miss her so much, she would come up to me and rub her head up and down on my hip\leg and knock me over, nicker at me when I came around. She was the best pony a little girl could ever ask for.