Thursday, April 17, 2014

I need a lepurchan, no seriously

    Over the winter I crashed the car my mom and I share, 07' Focus, I hit black ice and spun landing in a ditch (I knew to never trust one). Luckily the car wasn't broken that bad, new radiator, hose thingy, bumper and a frame straightening from hitting the snow so hard and we were okay. Money goodbye. Next thing I know one day Im driving the truck home from school and I smell something like a hot engine, assuming it was the vehicle in front of me think nothing of it, note to tell my mom later. Next freaking morning go to put it in reverse, guess what NO REVERSE. Take it in, transmission is out, well $$$$$ later new transmission is installed and should be done tomorrow morning.  Which is a miracle because we are leaving for Heartland Friday evening, I have spent this whole week freaking out because I thought we wouldn't be able to go to this show. My family needs some luck :P
Show schedule so far is
Heartland CT April 19th- GAG on Rhyme
Penny Oaks HT May 2-3- BN on Super Kid
IEA HT May 30-June 1(?)- BN or MAYBE Novice

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Final countdown

     I am in the final stretch of high school. graduation is May 30th. I guess you can say that it is a huge relief to be done with it but then again its a big step. I don't want the best friends I have now move away and we never speak again. I love my friends and even though sometimes I'm sure we get on each others nerves I wouldn't change them. I am going to be glad to not have that constant stress on my life! It's a true honest statement that testing children from a young age up till high school with standardized test like ISTEP+, ECA(end-of-course assessment) has a bad impact on a students life. I am one of those kids that never did well in a part of the test, it is ALWAYS math. I am so bad at math its not even funny, but since sixth grade I've been in remedial classes for math, they never did a thing. I never passed the ISTEP math portion and it took me three tries to pass the ECA Algebra 1 test. English on the other hand I've always done really well in.I have generalized testing disorder which basically means that I freak out or possibly have panic attacks while testing.
ENOUGH about my school life. Arrow is being started on Adequan i.m as of 4-9-2014 and will be on the first dosing, a shot every four days, etc. Hopefully this works, he really is talented and my mom has done really well with his training, crossing fingers and toes!!! Rhyme showed no lameness and had zero inflammation today and so we couldn't really have the vet diagnose something on him. So back into work we go with Heartland CT the 19th of April. Two weeks(?) or so is Penny Oaks which I'm hoping to go to.
I pay for all my shows except heartland out of my own money which I work two part-time jobs for. I have never been handed anything nor ever want to be. I love working hard and getting rewarded for it somehow. Whether it be a good grade, better dressage score, finishing on my dressage score there is always a take home message

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Super Kid the other day warming up before our ride. She was amazing, and is looking fantastic, dressage wise we are ready for Penny Oaks, conditioning and jumping we shill have some work to do.
 Here's the video and tell me what you think!