Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Fall Recap

Taking most of  and July off from showing we focused on lessons in prep for the fall show season

In August kicked off the fall seasons with Leg Up HT with Rhyme with a 2nd at BN
so cute

Dont think he cleared it

Rode in the IEA Doug Payne clinic, where Rhyme brought out his inner pony and was difficult, cue Doug riding the pony

Super Kid terrified me by having a minor colic episode, due to going into FLAMING heat the next day, literally think I lost about ten years off my life freaking out 

Last show of the season for Super Kid was Jump Start in September, I literally got in 24hrs before the show started and hadn't even packed or done ANYTHING to prep for a show, and clipped my horse the day before. Literally the worst dressage test ever, got the stomach flu, was green my entire ride. XC was BIG but once we got rolling we where flying. I wasn't trying for time since I had two refusals but we still came in 30sec fast from optimum time. However had the BEST stadium ride to date!!! 

corner swag 

Thank you all for reading this blog! I am going to start regularly blogging as much as I can! 

Spring Recap

Hey all! So last time I blogged was in January and here we are its almost December and i haven't written anything. So quick recap
 February took Rhyme and Super Kid to Aiken, SC with trainer, beasted ponypants around our last BN where I forgot to put rider or horse on our divison and was in the open(pro) devison and got 8th
Somewhere in TN

Ponies in SC

Best corgi ever
 When we got home said best trainer took Rhyme for a month to show him at his first rated event, took both ponies xc schooling @ Bea Hive and beasted around some Novice jumps to get ready to do our first novice!!

First Novice 

PC JJ Sillman Photo

Rhyme first rated show with trainer
thanks to Castleberry Cobs for the photo

Lost a horse close to me
Rode for him at Midsouth

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Adventures with Super Kid and Rhyme

    If you follow me on Instagram or friends with me on facebook you will know that I

  • Switched trainers, again! Confident with who i'm working with now
  • Work two jobs  
  • still have sold farrah
I posted this picture on insta last night ?
CR:Darla-Aniline Photography
This was taken in 2014 by a good photography friend Darla. Nobody guess what it was so i guess I'll tell you. This gorgeous picture was take at Sandy Hill Farm in Aiken,SC which is where I will be heading to first two weeks in March, see where the two jobs come in?! I am in no means a rich person so this a stretch for me to get financially. Rhyme will be in training with new trainer friend and Super Kid and I will be taking lessons in preparation for our Novice season in hope to do a easy training in late fall.
 New trainer has ridden Intermediate a couple times, brought young horses through the levels, teaches and trains the way I like.

I have been working those two jobs so I could do this and its finally sorting out!! 

Said ponies are being shaved before we leave,
Which Super Kid will have this shaved, because I don't care if people don't like it or not she's a super pony. Haven't came up with Rhyme's yet, but he will love not having a ton of hair!

Hope everyone had a good heat wave!!

Ride on

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Rant for this Rainy Sunday

Im not sure how many of you remember that in May 2014 I got Lady Farrah Bask as a resale training project 
So fat

So in the span of two months she went from that to

ehhhhh sexy lady!!!
another two months 
dat butt so high doh

so cute,so fancy
dohs ears!!

This is 3'3 in all honestly
    I took her to a event derby for her first show and competed at the starter level and got third, at her first show, in which she jumped EVERYTHING, she is in general a awesome little horse. I currently have her at $2,500 but basically if i think the match is right and they shoot me a lower price I can accept it, which is the big thing for me, I would rather her be with the right person who will understand her quirks and help her get the her full potential. 
    THAT BEING SAID, I have had two people come to my house and try her since she's been on the market (since June) just two. Neither worked out, both weren't at the levels they said they where riding at. One person rode her off property and I thought they where a great match as she figured out that to slow this horse down you have to use your seat not your hands.

Youtube be a dear and work please 

People complain that buying a horse is hard,try selling one

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2014 Goals wrap-up

-2014 was the year of the horse,literally. I had goals for the year, we did a lot of things, met a lot of people (SO Monica @ Chasing the Dream) I got a training horse to sell, rode ponies, worked two jobs, had a WS position with a local GP jumper, had to quit for real person job, bought my first car, realised that being an adult sucks, graduated high school, thought about college, decided to not go yet because I have zero idea on what I want to do, sucked at blogging, and in general just worked my butt off.
2014 Goals
Super Kid
  1. Jump constantly novice
Mostly a success 

     2.Dressage score in mid to low 30's if possible get a 20
Another almost success, we got a 35 at IEA

Giant fail

  1. Get out, go to some shows\lessons\ or whatever ---> somewhat a success
  2. start jumping -----> success

Personal Goals

  1. lose about 20lbs--- I was really close but then school started. Lets not talk about that :p  --> Somewhat a success
  2. Sit a trot better-- my least favorite thing to do---> nope, nada
  3. Not freak myself out about stupid stuff ex. ditches ----> BAB status aachieved
  4. Graduate high school-- May 2014 ----> success!!!!
Locker buddies, proof im not blonde
My mom and brother

One of my very best friends, my hair looks SO BLONDE

  1. Figure out what I want to do. To go to college or not to go to college and ride ponies 
  2. Sell both Irmi and a sale horse I have, Farah