Sunday, May 19, 2013

12 days

12 days to IEA. I am nervous and excited at the same time. Super Kid was a turd today, she might be a little sore due to yesterday's jumping, we poked around,bending left right, counter bending, and getting everything loose. Done with her, me sweating like a hog, not attractive. Next Rhyme, we had a joyous little romp around the field to get him forward, but I had no breaks. Walk, halt, repeat. A little better but he was literally like
Him: I told you mom, I am NOT feeling the whole stopping thing, I just want to go on my marry way.
Me: No, we ARE going to listen to half-halts and stop when I tell you
Him: Screw you, not doing that,
Me: Ok, fine I am running you into to fence, your fault
Then he listened. Anyway both horses where pig headed, but in their defense it has been hot and humid the past three days and the bugs are crazy bad and are constantly biting  and we have no fly spray. Bad, I know. We are getting some tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! I wish they had IEA when I was in school!
