Sunday, March 16, 2014

Now don't get me wrong

    I love my baby horse Rhyme, but he is hard to ride. He is a warmblood after all, but he has the best and worst things about his breeding.
Now I have had Welsh cobs or ponies my whole life, they come with their own set of quirks. For example they have a neck that can periscope, because their neck and heads are set up on the top of their shoulders they have a talent of when they get excited or hear something strange to pull their heads up as HIGH AS POSSIBLE.
    I have been hit in the mouth more than once by somebody doing this. Since both WB and cobs are carrige based horses they have a amazing talent of collecting, 

The majority of the time that I ride Super Kid and Rhyme achieving that long and low status, or our happy place. 
Its a interesting topic, thoughts? I usually warm up, some collected work, decompress with stretchy work then switch back then end long and low. No matter if I'm doing jumping,dressage,conditioning or whatever I always warm up like this. Super Kid is best at getting right to the stretchy work, whereas Rhyme you have to convince that it is a good idea and he will feel better after. He is slowly getting better at this, he just naturally compresses VARY well and its hard to stretch out 

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