Wednesday, January 8, 2014

27 Questians when its bloody cold out

1. Favorite thing about riding? 
Everything, I seriously would be crazy or addicted to something without my ponies. I love everything about riding.

2. Green horse or trained horse


3. Have you ever wanted to quit riding? 

4. Do you prefer to ride inside or outside?

Outside,Super Kid doesn't do well indoors and usually has a mental breakdown

5. How many times a week do you ride?

Five to six depending on things

6. Have you ever fallen off at a show? How? 
Nope, came really close but never actually (knock on wood)

7. Do you have a private or group lesson?
Honestly I have no preference. 

8. In your opinion does it make you less of a rider if you don't own a horse? 
Not at all. What makes you a good rider is the willingness to learn and change how you do things. If you aren't willing to take criticism and learn then you are a bad rider. No matter what level you ride at there are always things you can take away or improve about yourself. It doesn't matter if own yours own horse.

9. Do you plan on having horses in your life, for the rest of your life?
Yes without a doubt.

10. If you could ride any famous horse (dead or alive) who would it be?
Teddy O'Conner, Erin Go Bragh, many others

11. Does winning ribbons matter to you? 

12. Worst riding experience?
Honestly, It could be my old trainer telling me that I didn't deserve my pony and I was letting everybody down. Not nice 

13. Describe a time when you wanted another equestrian to fail at something -- 
I haven't, i'm a nice person

14. Describe the proudest or happiest moment you can think of in your riding career –

The the last couple lessons I had in PA, you could feel the difference in both Super Kid and I.
15. Do you think any disciplines are cruel? Which one(s) and why?

Anytime when you put winning in front of the horses well being 

16. Your worst riding habit?
At shows I have have a habbit of having my hands way to low, like side reins, and I move my hands a lot

17. When you’re in the show ring, what’s going through your mind? 
Don't mess up, oh crap, don't mess up.

18. If you owned a barn, would you try for a laid back casual atmosphere, or a professional fast paced one? 
I would be in the middle somewhere

19. I give you a $2,000 gift card to your favorite tack store/online retailer, what do you buy? 
Buy a Southern Stars eventing saddle

20. You’re riding in an arena at home with several other riders, and one of them obviously doesn't know the rules of the ring, even though they’re posted. The others are clearly annoyed, would you do anything? 

Take them aside later and quietly explain them to the people

21. Worst fear riding?
Looking like an idiot, messing up, hurting my horse

22. How old do you imagine you’ll be when you stop riding, and what’s the cause?

I never will

23. If you could own any number of horses, would they all be the same discipline or a mix?

Sport horses all the way
24. Favorite colors for your horse?
In case you haven't noticed it, its blue

25. Favorite tack brand?
Umm anything that hold up

26. If given the opportunity would you breeze a race horse?

27. Three ‘You know you’re an equestrian when…’
When you are doing vocab for a class and one of the words is wolf something and you type it into the dictionary all Woof

You miss you friends graduation because your at a horse show

You have to schedule work around your horse schedule


Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 Goals \ 2013 Review

I love reading peoples monthly goals etc. I like seeing how other people prep and try and accomplish their goals. At the beginning of the year I did a 2012 review, well things have changed a ton since then....

We started off the year at a novice CT in May, which was actually a very sketchy dressage test and a horrible show jumping round. This included me not releasing over the jumps here!  Ending the year with getting a big fat E on our record because I'm an idiot and forgot a jump on stadium.
 On the good side we did get to go to PA and experience the working student life and hopefully will be able to go back.

2014 Goals
Horse Goals
Super Kid-  Goal for 2013 was to place in the top ten at a show.
We got close at 11th so I'll be happy with that for now. 
Goals for 2014!!!
Jump constantly novice
When we start jumping regularly and taking lessons again jump at novice\max novice and low training
(maybe higher.) At our last lesson we where definitely getting at novice height. I know we hit some low training stuff before we left when we where in PA training.
Dressage score in mid to low 30's if possible get a 20
We did realllyyy bad this year score wise. At home and in lessons we freaking rocked it out and I could not have been happier. At the Team challenge we sucked. It was freezing, raining and plain miserable during my dressage ride. Super Kid trotted for twenty minutes beforehand per trainer instructions. We where fine until we had to stop and wait for the rider in front of us to get out, we then proceeded to have a mental block and had a VERY tense test. 
I have never actually cross country schooled with pony. We have had clinics where part of it was xc. Hopefully this year we can do some of these either at the Hoosier Horse Park or Bea Hive

My goals for him are simple. Get out, go to some shows\lessons\ or whatever. We didn't have a vary good lesson. Mostly it involved Rhyme acting like an idiot, screaming his head off and getting his tongue over the bit. (Which he has never done nor done since) Of course start jumping. I am a strong believer in the whole don't jump until they are 5. I personally also think you should wait until they are mature enough, mentally and physically ready.  I started jumping him over low stuff but he just got overwhelmed about it.

Goal is to sell her!!

Personal goals

  1. lose about 20lbs--- I was really close but then school started. Lets not talk about that :p
  2. Sit a trot better-- my least favorite thing to do
  3. Not freak myself out about stupid stuff ex. ditches
  4. Graduate high school-- May 2014 
  5. Figure out what I want to do. To go to college or not to go to college and ride ponies 
  6. Sell both Irmi and a sale horse I have, Farah

I put a ribbon on my pony, she wasn't bothered by it and proceeded to do her after ride yawn