Thursday, May 30, 2013

Its here!!

    We are leaving tomorrow afternoon after Super Kid gets a bath. We are braiding her mane when we get there then she gets to take a stroll around. If you happen to be around the Hoosier Horse Park come stop by and say hi. We are in barn L. Also here is the link for the live scoring LINK.  I will see if I can blog from the mobile app but I can't be positive that it will be vary good. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Old Man eventing

    My first eventing experience was on my aunts horse that I was ridding. He is Marys Brenin, at the time that I got him he was 23 or so. He had done EVERYTHING. He did combined driving( did vary well with his now deceased brother Marys St.Patrick), welsh cob breed circuit, hunters, dressage and with me contesting and eventing. He was a old type cob, meaning he had HUGE legs,feet,head,neck,shoulders, EVERYTHING.
Swaybacked old cob look
He was one of the best horses I have ridden at this time. He taught me more things then I could have learned on a horse that was younger than him. I never actually took him to a rated event because being as old as he was, he couldn't handle the xc as well as a others, But I took him to local schooling shows and we did pretty good. He went back to my aunts house two years ago and I still miss him. Just because a horse is old in age but still has the want and drive and is able to do things like eventing keep riding them. The more they are in work the longer they will be able to do things. 

Monday, May 27, 2013


Time to start cleaning and packing Super Kid and I's junk. Hay for a pony for three days,grain, water, supplements,saddles,bridles,brushes, tack junk,all my junk etc. If you want to see how we are doing go to LINK HERE!!! . We are in BN RIDER A.

LOOK AT THE WEATHER!!! I guess it is a good thing that Super Kid one, doesn't have shoes on so I don't have to deal with studs and two she has four wheel drive pre-programmed in her horsey brain.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Finals week, ten day count down, plus bugs bugs everywhere

   Monday,Tuesday, and Wednesday are my finals. Two days down, one to go. Finishing up my junior year of high school is sad, but vary exciting. Tomorrow I have my final final of my junior year. What is not good is that it over the whole entire year of U.S History, I am really good at this class, I have been studying all last week,weekend, and the last two days. SO MUCH INFORMATION!!! Anyway I am READY for summer(not for the heat and bugs though)
    I rode Rhymykins today and he was vary good except not wanting to pick up our left lead. We have been not wanting to pick up our canter when I say.So I got after him then he was like
Me- Noooo, I asked you to pick up a canter
R- okay ( mini take off)
M- NOO, not like that, go back to a trot and canter
M- 'Smack' Now CANTER

Yea, an annoying habit that he has developed. Anyway t-minus 10 days till IEA (Indiana's second recognized event in a year)
She decided to come into a flaming heat, which is rare for her, and hasn't been good the last two or three days. Mares -_- She had today off then tomorrow we are just doing a slow and easy dressage school. Get her brain working.
Like my new hair?

Sunday, May 19, 2013

12 days

12 days to IEA. I am nervous and excited at the same time. Super Kid was a turd today, she might be a little sore due to yesterday's jumping, we poked around,bending left right, counter bending, and getting everything loose. Done with her, me sweating like a hog, not attractive. Next Rhyme, we had a joyous little romp around the field to get him forward, but I had no breaks. Walk, halt, repeat. A little better but he was literally like
Him: I told you mom, I am NOT feeling the whole stopping thing, I just want to go on my marry way.
Me: No, we ARE going to listen to half-halts and stop when I tell you
Him: Screw you, not doing that,
Me: Ok, fine I am running you into to fence, your fault
Then he listened. Anyway both horses where pig headed, but in their defense it has been hot and humid the past three days and the bugs are crazy bad and are constantly biting  and we have no fly spray. Bad, I know. We are getting some tomorrow

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Riding Adventures

I am gearing up to take Rhyme on his first show season. EXCITING!!! I have done everything with his training and everything. We haven't jumped over anything vary big but he just trots over everything, then gets all excited because he is having fun. He's a good horse.
    Our first show will probably be a dressage schooling show or something really low key just for his first time out. I am excited to actually take him to events and start eventing him.Rhyme cantering
 Yesterday I got my wonderful mom to take some pictures and video's of me riding him for proof that I actually ride him and he looks awesome.
Look at that trot!
I thought it was just cool looking 
No face 

 Don't mind my face that is not looking forward

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Saving.... To blow it

     I showed once last year, did NOT due well because I had refusals, not at the same jump though so we didn't get eliminated. ALMOSTTT. I have a irrational fear of ditches. not fun. I didn't place, end of the pack, end of last years story besides rocking it out at a clinic.
    Anyway this spring after all summer,fall,winter saving I entered a school show. Decided to go up to novice, messed up my dressage test, horrible test, just BLAHHH, jumped awesomely, except through the combo, where I forgot that I had to take the whole thing over again instead I took it from a near walk. We finished in 8th place, YAY!
OMG a decent release, over a tiny oxer. LOOK HOW CUTE SHE IT!!
 Anyway I sent in my entry for IEA Classic, HT's ( they offer novice and training long formats still, on the bucket list)
$312 dollars for ONE horse for a three day stay, two day compete. How do people compete multiple horses, I have no idea.

Don't mind my barely there choke hold release

A guy that I used to take lessons from helped me through my nerves and my warm up. He also explained to me what I do wrong.Have you ever driven a car with the E-brake on? I ride like that, I have my reins just a little short and don't release enough. Wastes a lot of Super Kid's energy, and mine. Well I have that to work on in the next 28 days before our next event. And our dressage, and about 4,000 other things. Anywayyy now its staying warmer and its easier to ride, so that's good!