Sunday, March 31, 2013

The moments we all hate

    One of those moments is when your horse spooks and yanks the lung line out of your hand, then starts tearing around with the Lung line monster behind them. Its terrifying, visions of them getting tangled up and breaking things and killing herself and yadda. SHE WAS NOT HURT!
   Anyway not much else interesting besides I rode Arrow, who is attempting to make it to third level with my mom. I got some awesome dressage funs out of him. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Another Awesome Ride

    Well yesterday was a bad day, Super Kid was not either in a good mood or something because we trotted around like a reindeer. So called it quits and put her up. Now today was a good ride, she was listening and using her back and being a good pony. I also rode Rhyme, who was awesome for our second conditioning ride and he was AWESOMEEEE.
     Anyway that is it for todayy  

Big Shout Out

    A big shout out to Cob Jockey who's horse is half brothers to Rhyme!
You can tell they are related 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Horses = money

  A rated event for ONE horse is about $300 or more. Plus gas for a almost three hour drive, plus hotel if you stay for all four days. GAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Money is a need with horses, but if your like me and you have limited funding its hard. But horses are totally worth it. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013


    Spring is officially here, and that means is mud season. YAYY not.  Today there is supposed to be a "Blizzard". Unforchanutly I am not in South Carolina as planed ): But we might be going out there for a few days during the summer. Ohh welll
   Now we are getting ready for our first show, which is just a fun show. But after that we are going to IEA, sooo excited for that.
    Yesterday Super Kid had a nice conditioning ride with Blitzen, then Rhyme got to go out and do a mini one, he actually got a little excited and bucked a few times, no big deal though. Anyway not much has been exciting. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

It needs to get warmer

    Super Kid has been AWESOME the past two days riding her. It might have something to go with my mom free lunging her with side reins since she's been on spring break. Yesterday we jumped to scary height on 2'9, my goal is 2'11 because the show we are going to we are in the Novice class, which is at 2'11. Anyways, I am sick and on meds and sooooo tired, soo yea tomorrow i'll put up the pictures of Irmi tomorrow 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Eventful day

    I AM SO TIRED!!!
Starting with going to fitness bootcamp Im trying to get in better shape for this coming season. It is killing me. GAHHH,
Between this and work I have been running around nonstop, plus school gahh. I have been riding my pony. Wesnesday we had a snow day, rode her in the snow- lots of fun. Thursday I rode her in the indoor arena with Irmi, eventful but she was vary good. Friday we jumped, yay!! We tackled the huge height of 2'9, she was AWESOMEEE!!!!  We are defiantly going to the combined training schooling show, my mom is going to to Arrow and ride a second level dressage test with him.We are looking into an IDS schooling show later this spring for possibly for Rhyme as his first show, nice and calm.
     I rode again today and worked on dressage, not evading the bit and having an emu neck, that is just not attractive. Lots of using out hind legs, crossing in front of each other  blah blah blah. Rhyme was good to, like he always is. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Snowww Ponyyy

    I rode my pony today!! We had an unexpected snow day, sooo what better to do that ride the munchkin. She did AMAZINGGGGG. She was super careful because I rode her in the snow. She used her back, and wasn't fighting me for her head. Had a ton of fun, but have no pictures to show this. Hope everyone is have a good last few weeks of winter, we go to Heartland in April to start our show season as Novice, and maybe a dressage test.