Saturday, February 23, 2013


    I finally rode my ponies, both!!!  It being to mucky and watery sandyness in the arena, I was forced to ride in the in the indoor.  First my moms TB tried to kill us by running into us after being a turd on ghe lunge line, then the killer sun reflection almost did kill us. After me getting mad and "forcing" her to put her big girl pants on we where fine. Then Arrow left us then we where not ok again, but we had a good ride so we quit. Then I went and got gigantor who has officially reached 16.1h, but I SWEARR he looks bigger than that and we had a productive ride with him. All in all I can't wait until its officially warm and will stop getting cold and being dumb. ALSOO don't forget to comment!!!!
I has got a stick 

Friday, February 22, 2013


    Anybody who has lived in the Mid-West for any amount of time knows that the weather can be NUTSO. Well this last week we have had 50 degrees to about 5 degrees, I DON'T LIKE THIS!!! It is time to get a little warmer.
    Last night we had snow, the sleet, the rain then snow then falling ice crap from the sky. Ponies stayed in their shelter almost all night I think. Know today it is supposed to be 40 something degrees -_- seriously???

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Spring Shows, when is it time to move up?

     I have picked out my first show of the yea, it is Heartland Combined Training and Dressage show!!! It's just a schooling show but on by a pony club, but its perfect to see how well Rhyme will be in his show career. It will be his first show, my mom will probably ride him in a dressage test and I will ride him in a green as grass class, he will be accompanied by Super Kid in a Novice combined test, so about 2'11, we where jumping this last year.
    Also as the title of this chapter is called when is it time to move up a level??? I am not really in a hurry, but  I have been at Beginner Novice for about four years now, two of those with Super Kid. I can tell she really loves jumping Novice, but we haven't placed in the top ten yet in BN? Do I wait until we place well or just move up?

Dover model material, this is three months after  I got her 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Lunging and Line Driving Adventures

     Some of you might have those horses that are naturally tense in the back and have a hard time developing their back muscles. Super Kid is one of those, I don't know if she was taught the meaning of forward and down or long and low, but its a CONSTANT argument with us. Last year my mom being the smarty she is said to take the lunge line through the bit and clip it to the buckle on the saddle( that works if its a dressage saddle or you have long billets) You ask the horse to go out on the circle then every few strides tighten the line so their head moves just a little. Then release, and if you do it right they will start stretching out their backs. At the end of this video you can see her start to,after we focus a little bit better.
Anyway so we spent about 10 minutes doing this then about 10 minutes line driving. I love line driving, you can see what you horse looks like doing something, or getting a baby ready to ride. This is also a relatively new concept for Super Kid. Anyway we did shoulder and haunches in both sides, relatively pretty, trotted using our backs and in a frame. At this time I was half frozen and tired, so called it quits  but I took the reins and checked how soft we where in the mouth. We weren't a hard mouth pony !!! YAY!! 
    So after having probably two weeks off Super Kid was AWESOME! It's hopefully going to warm up and we can actually ride! 
     Show Update
Because Penny Oaks is like the week before I get out of school, we are still contemplating that show, but at this moment we are probably going to IEA show, aka we get to do a jog!!!! This will also be our second rated show, and hopefully we wont almost get eliminated by messing up the dressage test.